Since 2004, our center has been continually designated as a World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Community Health and Development.
Researchers from our center are monitoring and evaluating COVID-19 response activities in 47 African countries. The project — in partnership with the World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa — is designed to capture and communicate COVID-19 response activities, such as programs and policies related to infection-control and risk communication, in order to help eliminate transmission of the disease.
Steve Fawcett and Christina Holt are collaborating with colleagues at the Kansas Department of Health and Environment to build capacity and jump start health equity efforts in the state. A Health Opportunity RFA has just been released, paired with free technical support through the new Kansas Healthy Communities Action Toolkit: http://ksactiontoolkit.org/. The Action Toolkit offers guidance for taking action to build communities with equal opportunities for healthy living and well-being, as part of a statewide effort to improve equity in maternal and child health outcomes.
Christina Holt and Jerry Schultz provided Community Tool Box Curriculum capacity-building training for sixty participants convened by the Arkansas Department of Health. Participants included staff of the state and local health departments as well as staff from local non-profit organizations and coalitions.
During LiveWell Douglas County’s February retreat, Jerry Schultz served on a panel to share lessons learned from the Latino Health for All Coalition’s community engagement and sustainability efforts to coalition members.
Congratulations to Associate Director for Community Participation and Research, Jomella Watson-Thompson, who is joining the KU Center for Service Learning as senior faculty associate. Watson-Thompson’s experience developing service-learning and community-engaged scholarship and partnerships will help expand engaged scholarship opportunities for KU students. Read more.
At the Global Youth Economic Opportunities Summit, USAID Agency Youth Coordinator Michael McCabe announced YouthLead, a new online platform for young global changemakers. We couldn't be happier to have the Community Tool Box serve as a content sponsor for this new platform, empowering young changemakers with tools for change from the Community Tool Box.The platform will serve as a collaborative marketplace where young changemakers can forge connections with a community of peers and scale their innovations. While focused on youth from the Global South, the platform is available globally.
Kansas City Youth Violence Prevention Project Featured on KCUR Up to Date
Listen to the November 20 安卓富强上网软件 featuring Jomella Watson-Thompson as she shares about the exciting new KCK Youth Prevention Project.
Healthy Communities Study Findings Shared at APHA
Associate director Vicki Collie-Akers and other members of the Healthy Communities Study presented findings about what communities are doing across the US to prevent or address childhood obesity at the American Public Health Association (APHA) annual meeting in Atlanta.
The KU Center for Community Health & Development is proud to partner with the KU Research & Training Center on Independent Living to offer a new resource entitled "Your Action Planning Guide for Promoting Full Community Participation Among People with Disabilities: A Resource for Independent Living Centers and Other Community-based Initiatives."
Senior advisor Stephen Fawcett recently collaborated with the Pan American Health Organization on developing the 【驱动搬运】Sound Blaster Cinema 5音效更给力-远景论坛 ...:2021-5-22 · 1)在【Data Flow】中点击“Render”; 2)在【Endpoints】中选择“[Active] 扬声器(Realtek High Definition Audio){**}”; 3)在【Config】中点击“Load”,选择 D:\Program Files\APO Driver\Config\SFX MFX GFX 下的 Sound Blaster Connect UWP app Render, to provide guidance for taking action in promoting healthy cities, municipalities, and communities. The toolkit provides questions to consider, key activities and examples, and resources to help you with health promotion work in your community. This work is part of the KU Center’s World Health Organization Collaboration Centre. Access the toolkit in both English and Spanish.